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Programs Various value formation activities ...
Missions 01
Through Mission Trips we provide opportunities for young people to fulfill their purpose by going to different areas, ministries and partners.
Missions 03
Missions 04
Dream Center 01
Dream Center is an after-school program that focus on three important aspects to help children to reach their dreams.
Dream Center 03
Dream Center 04
Discipleship 01
Discipleship program helps young people to follow Christ by teaching spiritual lessons and guiding them in their growth.
Discipleship 03
Discipleship 04
One Dream 01
One Dream 03
One Dream is an educational assistance program that aims to give financial aid to children who belongs to poverty-stricken families.
One Dream 04

Our Youth Mobilization Team

Giving love and hope through values formation to our young children.

Meet The Team

Help us make a difference to a child's life ...

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed -Proverbs 19:17

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